To guarantee accuracy, we conduct our surveys in accordance with scientific and academic measures and guidelines. To arrive at reliable findings and effective conclusions, providing appropriate solutions to relevant issues is essential.
A Comprehensive method for scientific research: conducting surveys through data collection
To conduct any survey, we rely on a theory, theoretical framework, or hypothesis in the initial stages. For example, if we are to conduct a survey on youth empowerment, we will first give a definition of empowerment based on the existing scientific body of research. We begin with this so that survey respondents give coherent answers so that we can accurately assess the phenomenon of empowerment among the youth. To maximize the reach of our surveys, participants will be from the same group that the survey subject is concerned with. For example, a survey including only young people will only have university students as respondents.
Our survey topics touch on a variety of subjects which we have categorized into four sections; Politics and Governance, Economy and the market, Society and Culture, and Science and Technology. Through this categorization, we have tried to encompass all issues relevant to the youth. For example, the topic of society and culture includes all social and cultural matters (such as religion, history, customs, and language). Similarly, the Science and Technology department covers all scientific and industrial issues (including the natural sciences and technological advancements) and their impact on the quality of the lives of young people. This makes it so that all four departments bring together academic and scientific subjects as well as issues that touch the daily lives of the youth.
The aim is to integrate science into decision-making centers when it comes to matters relevant to the youth, in two main ways. firstly, to achieve a scientifically-backed understanding of the conditions of the youth and to provide necessary, scientifically-backed solutions.
To elucidate further, the survey topics that we research and analyze regularly include both current and enduring issues. contemporary issues are subject to change as the lives of young people evolve, but enduring issues remain unchanged. examples of both issues are illustrated below.
Contemporary Issues:
The role of universities in developing youth skills
The causes of unemployment among young people
The reasons behind youth emigration
Enduring issues: National Surveys
Individual Rights and Freedoms
Assessment of Kurdish Cultural Structures
Kurdish national consciousness and identity
For each of these national surveys, the questions are divided into several topics, including political, economic, and social topics.
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